Associate Professor
Director, Persistent Autonomy and Robot Learning (PeARL) lab
Richard A. Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Research Group:
PeARL: Persistent Autonomy and Robot Learning lab [Website]
413 Dandeneau Hall, North Campus
Prospective students: I look for motivated and experienced graduate students (Ph.D. and M.Sc.) with an interest and background in Robot Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, and Learning from Demonstration.
See open positions in PeARL website
[Oct/28/2024] Yasin Findik defended his Phd proposal
[Oct/25/2024] I presented at Fall Research Symposium at Amazon
[Oct/19/2024] Open house demos at PeARL
[Oct/18/2024] Underwater robot tests at Bellegarde boathouse
[Sep/24/2024] I serve as an AE for ICRA 2025
[Sep/3/2024] Sensor article by Hamid Osooli accepted
[Jul/29/2024] Stephen Misenti defended his master's thesis
[Jul/26/2024] Ryan Donald defended his master's thesis
[Jul/24/2024] Our paper was accepted at IEEE CDC 2024
[Jul/18/2024] Hamid Osooli defended his master's thesis
[Jul/1/2024] Monish Reddy Kotturu defended his master's thesis
[Jun/28/2024] Two papers accepted at MECC 2024
[Jun/27/2024] Our lab presented five papers at Ubiquitous Robots 2024
[Jun/26/2024] Our UR paper was best WIP paper award finalist
[Jun/7/2024] Our lab organized 2nd Robot Learning workshop
[May/26/2024] Two papers accepted at IEEE RO-MAN
[Apr/13/2024] Wendy Crvalho was selected best student employee at UML
[Apr/6/2024] Welcome day demos at Costello Gym
[Apr/4/2024] Five papers accepted at Ubiquitous Robots 2024
[Mar/22/2024] I was selected as ICRA 2024 Outstanding Associate Editor
[Mar/10/2024] Our TAHRI paper received best poster award
[Feb/15/2024] Our THRI article was accepted
[Nov/18/2023] Open house demoes at PeARL
[Nov/15/2023] Hossein Haeri defended his master's thesis
[Oct/22/2023] Open house demos at PeARL
[Oct/9/2023] I will serve as an AE for UR 2024
[Sep/29/2023] I gave a talk at Miner School Research Symposium
[Sep/21/2023] Our paper was accepted at MRS 2023
[Sep/20/2023] I was a recipient of the OERscars award by MASSPIRG students
[Sep/20/2023] Three IROS 2023 workshop papers accepted
[Aug/23/2023] I presented our research highlights at Brown University
[Aug/15/2023] Our lab presented two posters at AI-Caring annual meeting
[Jul/27/2023] Our lab organized 1st Robot Learning workshop
[Jul/25/2023] Amin Majdi defended his master's thesis
[Jul/12/2023] Our paper was accepted at IEEE CDC 2023
[Jun/27/2023] Our lab presented 3 papers at Ubiquitous Robots 2023
[Jun/7/2023] Parisa Hajibabaee defended her Ph.D. dissertation
[Apr/14/2023] Three papers accepted at Ubiquitous Robots 2023
[Apr/7/2023] I gave a talk at UML NSF CAREER Workshop
[Apr/3/2023] Alok Malik defended his master's thesis
[Apr/1/2023] Welcome day demos at Costello Gym
[Mar/25/2023] Virtual graduate open house
[Feb/12/2023] Our lab presented at ICARA 2023
[Feb/12/2023] I chaired a session at ICARA 2023
[Feb/2/2023] I will chair the Machine Vision session at ICARA-2023
[Jan/19/2023] I received an NSF CAREER Award
[Dec/8/2022] Our Amazon GBTI proposal was selected for funding
[Nov/2/2022] Two papers accepted at ICARA 2023
[Oct/24/2022] Our lab presented at IROS 2022
[Oct/23/2022] Open house tour at PeARL
[Oct/12/2022] I gave our final presentation for DESICIVE project at NERVE
[Oct/8/2022] Our lab presented 6 posters at NERC-2022
[Sep/1/2022] I will serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA-2023
[Aug/26/2022] I will co-chair the LfD 1 session at IROS-2022
[Aug/10/2022] I will co-organize NERC 2022
[June/30/2022] Our paper was accepted at IROS-2022
[May/9/2022] I serve as a Program Committee member at ICARA-2023
[Apr/9/2022] Welcome day tour at PeARL
[Apr/7/2022] I gave a guest lecture in EECE 4560/5560 Fundamentals of Robotics
[Mar/31/2021] I was a recipient of the OERscars award by MASSPIRG students.
[Feb/18/2022] Our paper was accepted at ICARA-2022
[Jan/20/2022] I serve as an Associate Editor for UR 2022
[Nov/18/2021] I gave a guest lecture in EECE 4560/5560 Fundamentals of Robotics
[Nov/15/2021] I gave a talk in inaugural Honors College 1st Year Lecture Series
[Oct/6/2021] Our paper was accepted at ICAR-2021
[Oct/3/2021] Open house tour at PeARL
[Aug/20/2021] I will serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA-2022
[July/29/2021] Our NSF AI-Institute proposal, AI-CARING, (led by Georgia Tech) was funded
[July/15/2021] Our NSF M3X proposal was funded
[June/30/2021] Our paper was accepted at IROS-2021
[May/29/2021] Our ONR proposal was funded
[April/26/2021] I was the recipient of the OERscars award by MASSPIRG students.
[Mar/26/2021] I gave a talk at The University of Leeds
[Mar/24/2021] Our paper was accepted at ALA 2021 - Workshop at AAMAS 2021
[Mar/5/2021] Our ARL proposal was funded (Cycle III seedling)
[Jan/26/2021] I will serve as an Associate Editor for UR-2021
[Jan/21/2021] Our ARL proposal was funded (STRONG Cycle II)
[Nov/18/2020] Virtual Open house event at PeARL
[Oct/30/2020] I will serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA-2021
[Oct/22/2020] Virtual Open house event at PeARL
[Oct/2/2020] Our US Army CCDC proposal was funded
[Aug/21/2020] Our paper was accepted at ICSR-2020
[Jul/27/2020] I taught a master class on "Algorithms for Search-and-Rescue Robots"
[May/20/2020] I received the KCS2020 Teaching Excellence Award
[Mar/27/2020] Our ARL proposal was funded (STRONG Cycle II seedling)
[Feb/1/2020] Welcome Day tour at PeARL
[Jan/22/2020] Two papers were accepted at ICRA-2020
[Nov/5/2019] I will serve as a PC member of AAMAS-2020
[Oct/31/2019] Haverhill high school visited PeARL
[Oct/27/2019] Open house tour at PeARL
[Oct/16/2019] Open house tour at PeARL
[Sep/15/2019] I will serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA-2020
[Jun/26/2019] Talked on the Robotics Business Review (RBR) Webcast
[Jun/15/2019] I will teach COMP5500-Robot Learning in Fall 2019
[May/22/2019] Our team won second place in the FetchIt Competition at ICRA
[May/22/2019] Presented our paper at ICRA-2019
[Mar/29/2019] I gave an invited talk at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
[Jan/30/2019] I gave an invited talk at ISEC at NorthEastern University
[Jan/26/2019] Our paper was accepted at ICRA-2019
[Jan/1/2019] I teach COMP4500-Mobile Robotics I in Spring 2019
[Dec/31/2018] Open Ph.D. positions in my lab [apply here]
[Nov/27/2018] Our journal paper on TLGC was accepted [link]
[Oct/26/2018] I gave an invited talk at the University of New Hampshire
[Oct/23/2018] I will serve as a PC member of AAMAS 2019
[Oct/14/2018] I will serve as a PC member of Robotics Track at ICAPS-2019
[Sep/19/2018] I will serve as an Associate Editor for ICRA 2019
[Sep/1/2018] I joined University of Massachusetts Lowell
[Aug/15/2018] My last day at Georgia Tech
[Aug/8/2018] I teach COMP5500-Robot Learning in Fall 2018
[Jul/26/2018] I will serve as a PC member for IEEE IRC 2019
[Jun/29/2018] Our paper was accepted at IROS 2018
[Jun/8/2018] Our workshop paper was accepted at RSS-LAIR 2018
[Jun/6/2018] I helped organizing "An evening of wonder" together with AbGradCon 2018
[May/29/2018] I attended ONR Cognitive Science and HRI Program Review
[Apr/29/2018] I served as a reviewer for CoRL 2018
[Apr/17/2018] I judged for UROP's 13th Annual Undergraduate Research Spring Symposium at Georgia Tech
[Apr/12/2018] - National Robotics Week event at Georgia Tech
[Apr/11/2018] - I presented our poster at Robotics Research Showcase at Georgia Tech
[Nov/12-14/2017] - I attend the Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL 2017)
[Nov/9/2017] - I attend the National Robotics Initiative PI meeting
[Oct/19/2017] - I served as a PC member of AAMAS-2018
[Oct/3/2017] - I served as a PC member of Robotics Track at ICAPS-2018
[Sept/21/2017] - I received the best presentation award for 4th annual postdoctoral symposium
[Sept/21/2017] - I attended the 4th annual postdoctoral symposium, at Georgia Tech
[Sept/1/2017] - Our paper was accepted at CORL-2017.
[Aug/30/2017] - Our paper was accepted at ICSR-2017.
[Aug/16/2017] - I attended National MBA Manufacturing Summit to run a demo.
[Aug/2/2017] - I served as a PC member of IROS-2017 workshop on SBLI
[Jul/5/2017] - Our workshop paper was accepted at DDM - RSS-2017
[Jun/7/2017] - Our workshop paper was accepted at WAHRI17 - RSS-2017
[Jun/5/2017] - Our VSL journal paper is online
[Jul/12-16/2017] - I attended RSS-2017 and presented a paper
[Jun/20-22/2017] - I attended 2017 Cognitive Science & Human Interaction (ONR)
[Apr/28/2017] - Our paper was accepted at RSS-2017 (20% acc. rate)
[Mar/25/2017] - I taught CS 3630, Introduction to Robotics, in fall 2017.
[Mar/17/2017]- I gave an invited talk at ISAT Communicating Intent for Autonomy (DARPA)
[Nov/15-17/2016]- I attended Humanoids 2016 and presented a paper
[Oct/22/2016]- I served as a PC member of AAMAS-2017 Robotics Track
[Oct/20/2016]- I served as a PC member of AAAI-2017 Spring Symposium
[Jul/8-14/2016] - I attended IJCAI 2016 and presented a paper
[Jun/18-22/2016] - I attended RSS 2016 and presented a paper
[Feb/8/2016] - Our book-chapters were published.
[Jan/15/2016] - I joined IRIM at Georgia Tech.
[Nov/12/2015] - I published two book-chapters in the Robotics book: Handling Uncertainty and Networked Structures in Robot Control with Springer. The book was published on Feb/8/2016